Warehousing & Distribution

  • Lakato offers a Warehousing and Distribution service to suppliers in the Animal Health Industry. This service is tailored to the specific needs of each supplier who can have their products housed in either a stand-alone or shared facility.
  • These facilities are well equipped to store, control and despatch goods in accordance to supplier.s needs and expectations throughout South Africa, Neighbouring States and Africa. These facilities fully comply with Good Warehousing and Distribution Practises stipulated by the South African Department of Health and are subject to regular audit.
  • Typical services rendered by Lakato include:
    • Physical checking and receiving of all stock into the facility.
    • Receipting of stock onto an agreed upon accounting system.
    • Monthly stock counts and ongoing stock control.
    • Telesales support, order processing and follow-up.
    • Picking and packing individual orders.
    • Dispatching of orders on either delivery notes or invoices.
    • Handling of any customer returns.
    • Handling of any logistics related customer queries.
    • Tracking of parcels and provision of proof of delivery.
    • Participating in the sampling process.
    • Implementing Good Wholesaling Practice and the customers Quality Control procedures.
    • Debtor Administration.